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Someone once said this and their words struck me.

The conversation set me on a more determined path of

self-discovery. A journey that has been challenging, yet

rewarding beyond measure. A life-changing process of

going deeper inside to face unhealed aspects, such as a

crippling self-doubt and a haunting notion that I was not



I was plagued by the idea that I had nothing to offer in life,

which meant deep down, I felt wholly inadequate.  

My greatest fear was that people would discover this.

At some point I had a wonderful realisation that this fear  

came from a vague recollection that at my deepest core,

I am in fact 'no-thing'.  


This no-thingness, this inner source of our deepest self, is pure peace.  It is loving and radiant

stillness, untouched by the external world. So I realised what had always been distorted by the mind as a curse to be feared, was in fact the ultimate gift. The truth of the blissful, essential self that we all share at our core.

It is a beautiful journey, and continues to be a transformational one.  I love my work in helping others as they move towards their own highest unfoldment - as I continue towards mine.


I've learnt that in spite of how real your unhealed aspects and limitations seem, and how they can rule your life, they are essentially bogus.


The truth is you are magnificent beyond your wildest dreams.  You can realise this, the more you allow your 'self' to get out of the way. This false self, our egoic identity, is not bad or wrong. It is a great gift.  It is, because as you work with and evolve through it, you go deeper into your true self, and this magnificent ‘you’ shines through more and more as you go.  


And as you change within, your life reflects those changes right back.


After a number of years working with clients, in 2011 I started to study and practice shamanism, and became a shamanic practitioner. Along with the study of other ancient practices such as tai chi and meditation, soul readings and facilitating/teaching shamanic therapies evolved as my key offerings.  


As a celebration of life, practicing shamanism and working with the higher energies has assisted in my own healing and transformation, and brought about a true power and depth to the work I facilitate for others.   


about Steve

"You are not who you think you are..."

 ©2024 by Deeper Self

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